Thursday, February 21, 2013

Plower for Christ: Word for the Church 2-21-2013

Plower for Christ: Word for the Church 2-21-2013: Yesterday was my daughters 6 th birthday and the ten year anniversary of the Warwick, RI night club fire. This is significant because I w...

Word for the Church 2-21-2013

Yesterday was my daughters 6th birthday and the ten year anniversary of the Warwick, RI night club fire. This is significant because I was there for the concert not serving God. I could have been among the 100 who died if I had not listened to what then I called my gut, now I know it was the Holy Spirit leaving at 7:30. Thank you Lord for your grace in all things!
On Monday the Lord directed me to Nehemiah 5, here it talks about the Jews were putting each other in financial slavery. It also has a section where Nehemiah asks the Lord to remember that he did not use the money the king provided to him as governor for himself. This stipend would have come from the people to pay and they were already taxed to the extreme.  In Nehemiah 5:15-16 we see why he did not take it.
15 But the earlier governors—those preceding me—placed a heavy burden on the people and took forty shekels of silver from them in addition to food and wine. Their assistants also lorded it over the people. But out of reverence for God I did not act like that. 16 Instead, I devoted myself to the work on this wall. All my men were assembled there for the work; we did not acquire any land.[1]
I hear the Lord saying to you. Get ready I am about to provide for you and deliver you. The rains come on the just and the unjust and so should not droughts come also on the just and the unjust. I am a righteous overseer and your lack has pushed you closer to me and destroyed so many things between us. Many of you have felt My power starting to surge in you again and it is going to grow. In times of drought things perish and it has nothing to do with what you have or have not done. BUT as my children I feed you and take care of you, My love is great and I am about to deliver and bless you greatly. Stand firm in that.
The season of blessing that is coming comes for a purpose and I want you to be ready and prepared. DO not spend it frivolously. Spend it on my kingdom pursuits. Keep my missionaries in the field and honor your pledges to them. Do not spend it on comforts or like an empty barrel you go to for water that has a hole and lets the water out, comforts are the whole in your barrel. Entertainment has become an idol to so many, be very careful because at night you sit on your couches watching TV and believe you are resting, you are not. Real rest comes in sitting in my presence doing My Will.  The enemy of your soul works to destroy you and is prowling around you. In this next season there is a prayer wall that needs to go up and I need you to work on it. I am calling the church to a place of separation from the things of this world that entertains and comforts you and for you to push into my kingdom taking your place on the wall. There is an economic collapse coming to America and many parts of the world and you need to prepare yourselves spiritually and naturally. Store up grain as my servant Joseph did to have ready. It is not for you but for those who will come in begging to have some. Just like the kingdoms around Egypt came and begged for grain so will the world come to the church for help and answers. It will be the greatest harvest of souls the American church has ever seen, and the workers who are there now need to be prepared. Stockpile food and water, find ways to grow your own vegetables and can them. This generation has lost the importance of saving the harvest for the winter months. And this time of economic collapse will be just like a long cold hard winter. Will your storage areas be full and will you be prepared to help so many who will be in need. You must rise up and be generous in that hour for it will be the greatest hour the American church has ever seen. My Spirit will be drawing people to myself.  After this time I will then send those who have been raised up to be a great army to spread My word around the world in preparation for My return. I come quickly are you ready? Are your lamps full of oil and do you have extra? Do the things you do have a eternal value if not cut them from your lives and only focus on those things with eternal value.

[1] The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Ne 5:15–16.