Thursday, June 27, 2013

Have you consulted the Lord?

Numbers 9:8       Moses therefore said to them, “Wait, and I will listen to what the LORD will command concerning you.” 

New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Nu 9:8.

The church asks us questions about many issues that they are confused about. Sometimes we use our own brain and life experience to answer the question. I wonder what would happen if we consulted the Lord and asked Him the answer? God knows all things and He can better apply His word to each and every situation than we can, but do we trust Him enough to ask Him?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Something it is not

In our nation and culture we make a lot of things about what it is obviously is not about. We hide behind things in our lives that because we just don't want to come out in the open and admit what something is really about. Jesus came and died to make us free so that we can live boldly for the kingdom. The New Testament says that the earth is waiting for the true sons (daughters) of God to be revealed. Is there something in your life that you are making it something it is not?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blind but now I see

In John 9 we see the story of the blind man and his encounter with Jesus. Jesus comes to him and does something different than at other times. He puts mud on the mans eyes and instructs him to go and wash. The man in faith does what he is told. In that instance he can see for the first time in his life. Is their a place in your life that you are blind and Christ wants you to go and wash so you can see? God is using the dirt of your life as the covering and you are being cleansed from all of the things that have happened.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Something simple today. Grace is simple what God bestows on us as we are becoming what He has called us to be. It is not a blank check to live as we want, but a kingdom resource to use as we grow into a person that will impact the world for Him.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


In John 8:12-20 Jesus talks about being the light of the world, and that that God the Father is within Him. The Pharisees could not get their hearts around that concept. The were lost in religious tradition that darkened who God was. Jesus comes against that very belief of how they see God. Do you have a conception of God that God is bringing to the light? Are you recognizing the Lord who is bigger than anything else?

Saturday, June 8, 2013


In our lives we cultivate different fruit for different situations. If we are known for anger, than we have cultivated the fruit of anger. I could continue down the list of bad fruit but I choose to focus on good fruit. Galatians 5:22 and 23 tells us "22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control." So we need to choose how we will react to different situations. To live by the Spirit you have to retain your flesh in how to react to situations. Today I choose ___________ to live in. It is that simple as you do that choice daily God will supernaturally agree with your decision and you will build a new tree and cultivate a new fruit in your life. What are you cultivating??

The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Ga 5:22–23.

Friday, June 7, 2013


So many of us determine success as something tangible in the natural world we can quantify. Everyday we work in a natural world in a spiritual battle. We clap each other on the back for the great things they do that is in front of everyone. I think God measures things differently in different seasons of our lives. What may be success is for them to accomplish what the Lord has them doing right then. The greatest battle is the one that changes us and causes to become more like Jesus. I see it happening all around me as people who are changing. It is something only God can keep track of and quantify, I praise Him that He is the ultimate judge of what we do. Have you had a amazing breakthrough in your life and n one noticed, don't worry God did. :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013


We have many barometers in our lives and one is our hunger for the things of God. Do we desire to spend time with Him and do His will. Are we out telling others about Christ and the work of the cross? You want to show others your hunger for God go out and tell others about Jesus and the hope we have.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I am 38 years old and in my generation there has been a shift from being grateful and doing our part to I am entitled to everything. This idea of entitlement has entered into the theology of the the church today, especially Pentecostal churches. We believe that because of what Christ has overcome we are immediately entitled to all of the things God gives in the covenant. It doesn't matter how we live or how much we have allowed God to change us. I am not talking about works because we are going to heaven once the decision to live for Jesus is made. I am talking about that we put a overlay over the Biblical message that there is no need for death on our behalf. Jesus suffered and had His Gethsemane so will we. Many believe that because Jesus suffered and overcame that we will never have to suffer. There is a principal of Jesus being formed in us that comes from a dependency on Him and a choice to pick up our cross and follow Him daily. My concern is that we are not growing into mature believers and are instead training a generation of those who have a sense of entitlement. So when rough things come they do not know how to handle it and walk through the rough things and see Christ formed in them in the process. Jesus has overcome and I believe it, my question is have you allowed Him to overcome in all areas of your life? I see us our lives as the promised land and we have areas controlled by the flesh and the enemy. We have to know that God wants to occupy all of us. He paid a price to own all of us, are we allowing Him to own all of us?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Preparing for the future

I have many prophetic friends, imagine that. All of the are different in how they see the world and what God says through them. Many people do not always understand what they see or why it is important. My one friend is used powerfully in terms of the economy not only in America but around the world. The Lord has been showing him some things that are coming for many years and like a good son, He has been preparing and declaring what is coming. Many have not heard him or agreed with him. I agree whole hardily with him and am feeling strongly that I should also tell all those who read this to prepare as Joseph prepared Egypt. The years of economic famine are coming and we need to be prepared. We need to put things away not only for ourselves but for the missionaries around the world. We need to change the way we see money and our rights to it. We spend money on so many things that at the end of eternity will mean nothing. My wife and I have been cutting things that are not necessary. Even Netflix which is 8 a month has been cut. We need to tighten our belts and put a fifth away for the future. Will God take care of His children yes but that doesn't negate our responsibility to be shrewd managers with our money. What can you trim to prepare foe the future?

Saturday, June 1, 2013


At Starbucks this morning I saw two young guys with their arms clasped together like they were arm wrestling. There was a statement of solidarity and passion in this little stance in the midst of the world. They weren't trying to be sneaky and look like everyone else and pray. They made a statement that was awesome. When we are out in the world together are we making a statement of we love our God? Are we hiding our light or proudly declaring who we belong to?