Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why God??????????

In times of distress and hardship it is hard to see God and His plan in those times. Many people want answers so that they can understand what is going on and what is the value in this. Where is the God who says He loves and takes care of us. If we are not careful we will lose our heart in a moment of despair. For years the church has not properly taught how to interact with God in these situations. Nor do I have the answers but in the psalms there are some that are called imprecatory and they are filled with a lot of strong language. Go read Psalm 69. While reading this did you see that the author told God exactly how he felt and was very strong in the emotion of it. I am not telling you to ask God to destroy your enemies (in the New Covenant we are to love our enemies), but if things are rough and out of your control and you can't find God, don't do what this culture does and question God why? Which means we quit praying and ignore Him like He isn't there. But instead do what the psalmist does and gets it all out of your system (God will not be upset HE knows that is how you feel anyway) and then changes to praise of God and decreeing that God is the only one who salvation will come from. In the end only God can deliver us!!! His promises are true and HE will do what HE has promised.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Ec 11:5
      5 As you do not know the path of the wind,
         or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb,
         so you cannot understand the work of God,
         the Maker of all things.
There is a lot of teaching out there that distorts the image and understanding of God. As humans we want to understand all things and put things in a file so that when needed we can pull it out. With God we even want Him to be at our command, we use scripture to try and hold God to account for what we want Him to do. Because we say He is our father and that our earthly father would not allow this so why does God. It is true that we understand God best through our relationship with our father. But God is above all of our understandings of Him and we cannot put Him into a formula or a type. The word God is far different than father. We have to come to the understanding that God loves us and that He is far above all things and sees the beginning of our lives and the end of our lives. He sees every other life we will effect and the outcome. If God has a specific plan for us or an area we have to simple allow Him to put everything together. We have to believe that HE is God and He knows what HE is doing. Because we compete with God all the time about who everything is about. Just like a husband and wife compete about who needs should be met when. We play this game with God and think because we did something for Him that HE has to do something for us. I wonder if our theology really understood that HE made us for His glory and to have fellowship with Him that we would finally get it. He does not ask us to do things for no reason and yes sometimes the things HE ask us to do gets us smashed. It is brutal sometimes I know. The thing that drives me forward is that HE IS GOD the ultimate supreme being and HE LOVES ME MORE THAT ANYTHING!!! I have to believe that HE has a purpose and plan and everything is about Him receiving all the glory honor and praise.

Ec 12:13-14     

       13  Fear God and keep his commandments,
         for this is the duty of all mankind.
      14 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
         including every hidden thing,
         whether it is good or evil.
All we can do and are responsible for is to keep His commands and believe that HE is a great rewarder for those who do them. Remembering that it may not be in this life we get rewarded but in the one to come where we will spend all eternity and really need the promise. SO push away the idea that HE has to do things your way and simple live for God and rest in the fact that HE will do it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Continue God is developing HIS Righteousness in You!!

When Christians are going through hard times because retribution theology is so apart of our culture we ask what have we done wrong. The problem is that this is not always the case. The book of Hebrews say that since we are children of God and HE wants to develop more of HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS in US than HE takes us through a hard season to bring this about. This means that we are probably going through a season of beat down and old ways are leaving us so that he can replace the old fruit with the new fruit of Righteousness. For different people the season can look very different. I want to encourage you not to stop but pray that the Lord would give you strength and a new revelation of Him that will empower you trust Him even more. We will not always know why but that's OK because HE is God and we have to trust that HE knows the why.