Saturday, May 25, 2013

What would happen?

I served in the military and I have many friends who have. We gave a part of our lives to this country to serve it. There are some who gave all and died for their country and this weekend is about remembering their sacrifice for us as American's. Their is another group of people who are dead and serving Jesus across our world. They are the missionaries at home and abroad, they have to die to so many things to accomplish what the Lord has put in front of them. We are all as Christians are suppose to die to the things of this world. But if you look at social media we are wrapped up in so many cultural things that at the end of it all in eternity to do not matter. I love movies and sports, the Lord has been taking the love for them out of my life and replacing it with a passion to see people come into relationship with Him. I am not totally dead yet but I am heading that way. I am trying to laser focus on things that really matter in the scope of eternity. What would happen if the church got this concept?

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