Monday, January 2, 2012

Consecration a key to finishing the race

In today's christian culture the idea of consecration is dead. No one wants to give anything from their old life up anymore. We still want our diversions from life and we don't bring Christ even into that part of our routine. I feel a strong urge from the Holy Spirit to consecrate my life a new to Him for the next seven days. I wonder what would happen if it became a lifetime consecration. If we understood that we do not live for this world but are living for the world to come. I wonder how much confusion, doubt, and tiredness come from where we spend our down time. I know for me I cannot live in the realm of TV, Secular Fantasy Books and Games anymore. These things have caused a divided Rusty and I am so tired sometimes I do not do the things I need to do. So my question is how much do you believe this is a year of Jubilee are you willing to let go of some things so you can have some things. How deep in the Lord Jesus Christ do you want to go? I don't care how much of the Spirit of God you have and how much HE uses you, if your personal devotion is divided you to will never accomplish all the Lord has for you. The gifts work without repentance and many times God uses us because the person we are ministering to needs it so desperately. So don't think that because God uses you powerfully that you have it all, no it should humble you to dig deeper in Him and deal with your personal stuff. I don't know about you but I want to finish the race and win, not just wow some people because I have a fast sprint and then fade away. Are you doing the things to make it to the end of the race?

1 comment:

  1. Good word Rusty. This goes right along with what God has been saying to me and what Pastor Jim preached on yesterday. God required the nation to not eat from anything they planted or to see any new seed but only to eat from those things that grew naturally. In other words, give up being fed by the things that come from my hand and only eat those things that come from His. The year of jubilee brought the cancelation of debt and the restoration of all that was lost but it came with a price. Give up something to get something so much more valuable! Thanks for plowing some soil in my heart today. Love you!
